Exercising With Pain
The reason why I wanted to talk about this is because I’ve noticed in the clinic that people will generally fall into one of two groups when it comes to exercising and pain.
Either you’re in group A - you’ve suffered an injury, and have decided not to do any exercise at all until it's feeling better. Sometimes this is because you're worried that you’re going to make it worse, or maybe you feel disheartened that you can't exercise like normal so you don't feel like training at all.
Or you're in group B - which is to choose to just ignore it, train like normal, don’t change anything, and hope that it will go away. Or maybe you tell yourself that you will take it a little easier than normal, but when you're in the moment you can’t help yourself and you feel the need to push yourself as hard as you can.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?
Plantar Fasciitis is an incredibly frustrating injury to deal with, because it feels like you're walking around with a bruise on the bottom of your foot all day. Today I’m going to share with you a taping technique which we use in the clinic that can really help with your plantar fascia pain.

Strength Training for Shin Splints
A common condition that we see in runners that come into our clinic is shin splints. Today I’m going to share some strengthening exercises which may help if you suffer with Shin Splints.

How To Prevent Shin Splints When Running
A common condition that we see in runners that come into our clinic is shin splints. And one big reason why runners develop shin splints can be because of their running technique. Today I’m going to share with you one easy modification to your running technique which may help you get back to running sooner if you struggle with shin splints.

How To Fix Shin Splints Fast
Got shin splints? You're not alone - many runners will experience this condition at some point. Shin splints are caused by overuse, and often occur when you ramp up your mileage too quickly or switch to a harder surface (like concrete instead of grass). The good news is that shin splints are usually only temporary and can be easily treated. Here's what you need to do to fix shin splints fast.

The 3 Types Of Shin Splints That Runners Need To Know
Many of the runners that we see in the clinic, come in with pain at the front of their shins - or what we call shin splints. Maybe you’ve experienced shin pain if you’ve gone for a big run. But did you know that not all shin splints are the same?

How To Strengthen Hip Flexors
If you have tight or weak hip flexors, then try this hip flexor strengthening exercise, called the hip flexor march.

Managing Tight Hip Flexors
Do you feel like you have really tight hip flexors, but no matter how much you stretch them, they never feel any looser? Then check this out.

Can Physio Help With Osteoarthritis?
Can Physiotherapy help with pain caused by osteoarthritis?

How To Relieve Shoulder Pain - Try This Top Tip
Are you dealing with pain at the front or side of your shoulder? Check out this special trick which may help you reduce your shoulder pain, especially if it's related to your rotator cuff.

Achilles Tendinopathy - Will Stretching Help?
Will stretching help your achilles tendon pain?

The Ugly Truth About Tennis Elbow (And How To Treat It)
Tennis elbow is an overuse injury affecting the muscles which extend your wrist and attach to the outer part of your elbow. Here is the ugly truth about tennis elbow.

Three Reasons Why Your Squat May Be Causing Your Hip Pain, And How To Fix It
The squat is an awesome exercise for building athletic power and strength for a number of different sports. However, pain in the front of the hips as a result of squatting is also very common. This can often present as conditions known as femoral acetabular impingement (FAI), or hip labrum tears. Here are three reasons why your squat may be causing hip pain, and tips on how to fix it.

The 3 Biggest Misconceptions About Strength Training For Runners
Strength training is often recommended for runners as a method of cross-training for their sport. However, there are still a lot of misconceptions around the benefits of strength training for runners.

Knees Over Toes When You Squat - Should You Worry?
Is squatting with your knees past your toes bad for you? Is it completely fine to do? Or are there some instances where you should actually hold to this rule?

The Truth About Lower Back Pain After Deadlift.
The great debate on lower back pain and why it may not be as black and white as you may think.

Theragun Giveaway!
To celebrate the recent launch of our website, we a giving away a FREE THERAGUN LIV VALUED AT $300!

Upper Back Stretches: The Three Must Do Exercises To Improve Your Thoracic Spine Mobility
Do you spend most of your day sitting at a desk, or hunched over your phone or computer? These hunched over posture is super common, and often leads to developing a stiff upper back.
If you suffer from a stiff upper back, here are three thoracic spine mobility exercises to help you open up through your upper back.

The worst advice I've ever heard about shoulder labral tears
Shoulder injuries, and in particular shoulder labrum (or SLAP) tears are some of our favourite things to treat in the clinic. One main reason for this is because often an injured athlete will come to us after having been told that they have a tear in their labrum, and that this leaves them with only one option…

The Three Big Misconceptions About Tendinopathies
There are also a lot of misconceptions out there about how to best treat tendinopathy - here are the 3 most common…