Best Knee Strengthening Exercises for Kids with Osgood-Schlatter Disease: Quadriceps Strengthening Exercises That Are Fun and Easy to Perform
Do you know the best knee strengthening exercises for kids who experience pain from Osgood-Schlatter disease? This article provides four quadriceps strengthening exercises that are easy and fun for children to perform.

We’ve Moved To Alfords Point!
Lift Physio has moved to a new, bigger and better location in Alfords Point!

Interview With Scott Capelin From InLife Wellness
Dane recently caught up with Scott Capelin from InLife Wellness in Menai, to discuss everything Health and fitness!

What Can I Do To Improve My Recovery After ACL Surgery?
ACL tears are a frustrating injury because the recovery time can be quite long, especially if you are aiming to return to sports or activities that require a lot of pivoting or change of direction.
If you decide to have surgery on your ACL, you will want to go into the surgery with the best knee possible, to make your post-op recovery much easier.
So what are the main goals of rehab immediately after sustaining an ACL injury?

What should you do after an ACL injury?
If you’ve recently suffered an ACL injury in your knee, you might be wondering what to do about it, especially in those painful early stages.

Download The Complete Guide To Fixing Your Squat
The Squat is a common and extremely important bot in strength and conditioning, as well as in everyday life.
Inadequate squat performance can lead to aches and pains, as well as hold you back from performing at your best.
We see a lot of weightlifters and CrossFitters in the clinic, so we’ve developed a free guide - “The Complete Guide To Fixing Your Squat”.
Uncover, and learn how to address many of the common squatting-related problems we see, relating to:
The feet
The ankles
The knees
The hips
The lower back and pelvis
Discover the requirements of a strong squat, including:
Motor Control
And learn truth about the common misconceptions that we are are often asked about when performing the squat.