Strength Training for Shin Splints
A common condition that we see in runners that come into our clinic is shin splints. Today I’m going to share some strengthening exercises which may help if you suffer with Shin Splints.

How To Prevent Shin Splints When Running
A common condition that we see in runners that come into our clinic is shin splints. And one big reason why runners develop shin splints can be because of their running technique. Today I’m going to share with you one easy modification to your running technique which may help you get back to running sooner if you struggle with shin splints.

How To Fix Shin Splints Fast
Got shin splints? You're not alone - many runners will experience this condition at some point. Shin splints are caused by overuse, and often occur when you ramp up your mileage too quickly or switch to a harder surface (like concrete instead of grass). The good news is that shin splints are usually only temporary and can be easily treated. Here's what you need to do to fix shin splints fast.

The 3 Types Of Shin Splints That Runners Need To Know
Many of the runners that we see in the clinic, come in with pain at the front of their shins - or what we call shin splints. Maybe you’ve experienced shin pain if you’ve gone for a big run. But did you know that not all shin splints are the same?