What is the subacromial impingement syndrome?
Definition or Meaning
“Subacromial impingement syndrome” definition:
Subacromial impingement syndrome is a disorder in which the tendons or bursa of the rotator cuff become compressed and irritated below the acromion. It has been found that subacromial impingement syndrome can be caused by a number of factors such as bone spurs, rotator cuff injury or tear, or calcification in the shoulder joint. However, it is important to note that there is no one single factor that can cause this syndrome.
The symptoms of subacromial impingement syndrome include pain when moving your arm out to the side and overhead, pain in front of your shoulder blade, an inability to sleep on either side due to pain, and an inability to reach back with your arm behind you.
Subacromial impingement syndrome is a condition that occurs when the subacromial space narrows, which can lead to rotator cuff tendinitis and bursitis. In addition to pain, people with this condition may experience loss of range of motion in the shoulder.
The condition is more common in people who have occupations that require repetitive overhead motion of the shoulder joint.
The symptoms of subacromial impingement syndrome usually includes pain, swelling, stiffness or weakness in the shoulder. The pain has been described as sharp or burning, with activity being limited by the severity of these symptoms. Pain may occur when lifting your arm overhead but also when sleeping on your side and during exercise.