What is Exertional Compartment Syndrome?
Definition or Meaning
“Exertional Compartment Syndrome” definition:
Exertional compartment syndrome is a condition that affects the muscles and nerves in the leg. It happens when there is pressure on the muscle within a leg muscle group called the calf.
The condition can happen during exercise or in sports where you have to stay on your feet for long periods of time.
Exertional compartment syndrome is most common among football and soccer players, as well as military service members who are required to march or run long distances.
Exertional compartment syndrome is a condition that occurs when pressure builds up in muscles and tissues. This pressure can cause the muscle to become stiff or swollen, and can eventually lead to injury.
Compartment syndrome is a condition where increased pressure in a closed space damages the muscles, nerves and blood vessels.
The symptoms depend on which muscles are affected by the compartment syndrome and may include pain in the area, numbness or weakness, swelling and tightness of muscles.