How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise: 7 Tips When You Lack Energy or Motivation

When it comes to workout motivation, many people find themselves struggling. They may lack energy or find themselves too busy, and this can make it difficult to stick to a workout routine.  But don't worry - we've got you covered!  In this article, we will give you 7 tips for how to motivate yourself to exercise, no matter what your situation may be.

How To Motivate Yourself To Exercise - No Matter What.

Regular exercise and physical activity has so many benefits - it can help improve your mood, increase energy levels, and promote overall health and wellness.  But sometimes it can be hard to motivate yourself to get up and move.  Whether you're lacking energy or motivation, we've got some tips to help get you started.

Do something you actually like.

If you hate running, don't make that your go-to workout.  Find an activity that you actually enjoy and look forward to doing. This could be anything from hiking to kickboxing to swimming. When you find something you enjoy, it's much easier to motivate yourself to do it on a regular basis.

Activity You're Enjoying and Looking Forward In Doing It

Start small.

Once you do find something that you enjoy, don't try to do too much too soon - this will only lead to burnout and frustration - You can have too much of a good thing! If you're just getting started with exercise, start with small goals that are achievable and realistic.  For example, commit to walking for 20 minutes three times per week.  Once you've accomplished this goal, you can move on to something more challenging.

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Set ultra easy goals that boost your confidence.

Sometimes, the hardest part of getting started is taking that first step. To make things easier on yourself, set ultra easy goals at first.  For example, your goal could be to put on your workout clothes and sneakers. Once you've done that, you're one step closer to actually working out!  Taking that first step is often all it takes to get the ball rolling.

First Step in Setting an Easy Goal

Make your goals specific and attainable

Setting goals is a great way to stay motivated and on track with your workout routine.  Without goals, it's easy to lose sight of why you're working out in the first place.  When setting goals, make sure they are specific, realistic, and attainable.  For example, instead of saying you want to "lose weight," try setting a goal to lose two kilograms in the next month.

Move in the morning.

Many people find that a morning workout is the best way to get your daily dose of physical activity done.  Get out of bed early a few times per week instead of hitting snooze on your alarm clock.  Not only do you avoid the potential of getting too busy later in the day, but you also get a boost of energy that can carry you through the rest of your day.

Move In The Morning

Not a morning bird? Break it up throughout the day.

If you don't have time for a full workout first thing in the morning, try breaking it up into smaller chunks throughout the day.  For example, you could do a few jumping jacks or push-ups every hour - this will still provide you with a great workout.  Or, try taking a brisk walk during your lunch break.  Every little bit counts!

Breaking up your workouts throughout the day can also help you avoid feeling too overwhelmed -  and it's much easier to find the time for a 15-minute walk than a 60-minute workout.

keep your "experience" of exercise positive.

You're more likely to have a good time and stick with exercise when you're enjoying yourself.  It's all about perspective -  if you focus on the positive aspects of working out, you're more likely to have a good experience.  Keeping a positive outlook about your physical activity is key to giving your enough motivation for those tough workouts and maintaining your motivation in the long-term.

Doing Workouts that You Enjoy

Some things you can do to make exercise more enjoyable include:

- listening to music or podcasts while you work out

- choosing a scenic route for your walk or run

- mixing up your routine so you don't get bored.

Write down how you feel after a workout

It's been shown that people who track their workouts are more likely to stick with their exercise routine. One way to do this is to write down how you feel after each workout. This can help you see the progress you're making and give you a sense of accomplishment.

Not only will tracking your workouts motivate you to keep going, but it will also help you see just how much your fitness level has improved over time. So grab a notebook and get started!

Exercise provides a release of endorphins in our body which makes us feel good.  It's good to remind ourselves how we feel after a workout when we're struggling to motivate ourselves to get moving.

Endorphins are just one of the benefits of exercise though. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve mental health, increase lifespan and protect against conditions like obesity, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and memory decline.  So even when you don't feel like working out, remember that it's benefiting your body in so many ways!

Track Your Workouts

Develop an internal locus of control over your health.

A lot of us tend to have an external Locus of control when it comes to our health. This means that we believe that our health is controlled by things outside of ourselves, like our genes or luck.

But if you want to be truly healthy, you need to develop an internal Locus of control. This means believing that YOU are in control of your health – no one else.

When you have an internal Locus of control, you're more likely to take charge of your own health and motivate yourself to exercise regularly. Because after all, if it's up to you, why wouldn't you want to do everything you can to stay healthy and fit?

You have the power to make choices that will have a positive impact on your health.  So use that power to motivate yourself to get moving!

Develop An Internal Locus of Control

Try group fitness or find a buddy to train with

Training with other people can make a big difference to how you feel about working out.  In group fitness classes, the sense of community can be really motivating and keep you coming back for more. If you don't like the idea of group fitness, find a friend or family member to train with instead.

There's an accountability factor when you have someone relying on you to show up that can be really helpful in getting you to stick to your workout routine.

You're also more likely to have a positive experience when you're working out with someone else – after all, exercise is meant to be enjoyable!

Positive Experience with Having a Workout Buddy

Making exercise a part of your daily routine is so important for overall health and wellness.  And once it does become a "routine", then you will also find that you have to rely less on external factors to stay motivated. 

So, if you are struggling to find the motivation to workout, don't worry - you are not alone. But that doesn't mean you can't find a way to get moving. Just use the tips we've provided in this article and you will be on your way to a more fit and healthy lifestyle in no time!


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